Cetusan Minda...: Thailand melatah

Monday, October 17, 2005

Thailand melatah

Ketika solat Jumaat baru-baru ini, teman tertarik dengan flyers untuk sebaran umum yang diletak di pintu masjid. BOIKOT produk THAILAND, tertulis pada kertas-kertas kecil tersebut. 3 produk yang diboikot, antara yang utama ialah ubat gigi Colgate.
Siapa yang ketuai boikot? Majlis Pemuafakatan NGO Malaysia (MAPAN), Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia dan Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS).
Teman sokong boikot produk Thailand selagi mana kerajaan Thaksin tidak melayan minoriti Muslim di Selatan Thai dengan baik. Thaksin pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa "Melayu adalah terrorist".
Mereka menekan kerajaan Malaysia tentang isu boikot ini. Letih Pak Hamid Albar menegaskan berulang-ulang kali bahawa kerajaan tidak menyokong usaha boikot tersebut.
Walaupun kerajaan Malaysia tak sokong, Zikri sokong!
Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar has called on Thailand to
be "mature" over a boycott of Thai goods by Malaysian activists, suggesting
Bangkok had overreacted.
Thai leaders reportedly lashed out at the boycott of two Thai
products and a demonstration by Malaysian activists earlier this month at
Thailand's embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
But Syed Hamid said late Saturday that Thai goods were still
entering Malaysia in spite of the boycott and called for a more measured
response from its northern neighbour.
"We should not be narrow-minded and jeopardise economic
and trade relations each time we have a political dispute. We need to be
mature," he was quoted as saying by the official Bernama news agency.
The Malaysian government has said it does not support the
boycott - initiated over the treatment of Thai Muslims - but that it cannot stop
the action, and Syed Hamid said he was taken aback by Thailand's reaction.
"I am surprised by the harsh reaction by Thailand. We cannot
restrict people as we practise democracy and the rule of law, and this sort of
thing sometimes happen," he said.
"As long as they do not contravene the law, we will not take
any action," he said of the boycott.


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