Saya pernah ditanya oleh seorang rakan ketika melihat poster mengenai World War IV, "World War IV? Bila masa pula World War III dah berlaku?"
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Dr. Earl Tilford, Professor of History and a Fellow at the right wing Foundation for the Defence of Democracies wrote in June 24, 2004:
“World War IV is a total war on a global scale. World War IV seems complex but keep in mind during World War III (the Cold War) while American forces fought North Vietnamese regulars and National Liberation Front (Vietcong) guerrillas in South Vietnam, we also fought the Pathet Lao in Laos and Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
From Greece and Yugoslavia to Korea and Vietnam and the Caribbean and jungles of South America, the Cold War involved a large number of nations and groups. Nevertheless, it all came together as part of a struggle between competing worldviews.
The ‘War on Terror’ is no less complicated and similarly encompassing. Since it is an Information Age War in which knowledge is power. It is essential to understand who we fight and what they aim to achieve.
Our enemies are more than savage barbarians with a penchant for decapitating the innocent. They are integral to a concerted effort to redefine the world order.
This is World War IV. Forget the sleazy sickness of Abu Ghraib. Stop mouthing meaningless slogans like, ‘Bush Lied, Soldiers Died.’ Steel yourselves for a long bloody fight. This is a war we (the US) must not lose.”
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