Cetusan Minda...: Tinggalkan BIG FIVE, Keluar PBB!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Tinggalkan BIG FIVE, Keluar PBB!

Semalam saya sempat menghadiri wacana di PWTC mengenai Perang Dunia ke-4. Halatuju wacana hanya 1, keamanan dunia. Menjadikan perang sebagai salah satu JENAYAH. Menghukum setiap pemimpin negara yang melancarkan perang sebagai PENJENAYAH PERANG.

Sudah tentu, Perang Dunia ke-4 adalah perang ke atas dunia ISLAM.

Piagam PBB, di bawah Artikel 2(4), jelas menyatakan bahawa "All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or any other manner inconsistent with the Purpose of the United Nations".

Jelas dan terang, komuniti dunia bersepakat dalam melarang tindakan perang dijadikan jalan penyelesaian dalam sesuatu pertelingkahan antara negara-negara di peringkat antarabangsa.
Namun begitu, mutakhir ini, dunia dikuasai oleh kuasa unipolar Amerika Syarikat. Pelancaran perang ke atas Afghanistan & Iraq dilakukan secara unilateral, bercanggah dengan prinsip multilateral PBB.

Selagimana 5 kuasa besar (Big Five) di dalam Majlis Keselamatan PBB dibenarkan untuk dianugerahkan dengan kuasa VETO, sebarang resolusi yang dikeluarkan oleh PBB boleh dibatalkan sewenang-wenangnya dengan kuasa tersebut.

Kuasa VETO tersebut perlu dihapuskan. Namun begitu, ia bukannya tugasan yang mudah. Idea untuk menghapuskan kuasa veto memerlukan pindaan terhadap Piagam PBB dan Piagam tersebut sangat rigid untuk dipinda atau disemak semula. Sebarang pindaan memerlukan persetujuan kesemua Big Five.

Tahukah anda bahawa terdapat beberapa usaha untuk menjadikan Majlis Keselamatan PBB ini lebih seimbang, demokratik dan efektif?

Pada Disember 2004, telah ditubuhkan UN-appointed High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. Sebuah panel yang dilantik oleh PBB dan panel tersebut mencadangkan idea untuk memperbesarkan keahlian Majlis Keselamatan PBB.

2 model 'enlargement' telah dicadangkan dan kedua-dua model adalah untuk menambah keahlian Majlis menjadi 24 negara anggota daripada 15 negara seperti sedia ada:

Model A - mencadangkan pertambahan 6 kerusi tetap tanpa veto + 3 lagi kerusi yang dipilih setiap 2 tahun sekali.

Model B - mencadangkan kategori baru 8 kerusi (boleh diperbaharui setiap 4 tahun sekali) + 1 kerusi (tidak boleh diperbaharui dan hanya untuk tempoh 2 tahun).

Namun dalam laporan Mac 2005 Setiausaha Agung PBB yang bertajuk "Enlarging Freedom", tidak dinyatakan langsung kecenderungan salah satu pilihan di antara kedua-dua model tersebut.

Secara kesimpulannya, saya tidak nampak masa depan reformasi struktur Majlis Keselamatan PBB ini kerana anggota tetap (Big Five) Majlis Keselamatan sedia ada boleh menyokong ataupun mem'veto' keputusan untuk merobah struktur sedia ada tersebut. Suatu tindakan kolektif seluruh negara dunia (selain BIG FIVE) perlu dilakukan untuk melakukan reformasi ini.

Pinggirkan BIG FIVE dalam hubungan diplomatik antarabangsa!

Ataupun sebagai jalan terakhir, tinggalkan BIG FIVE dan PBB! Kerana hakikatnya PBB adalah milik BIG FIVE bukan komuniti dunia.

Kita tubuhkan organisasi komuniti dunia yang holistik yang menghormati prinsip sovereignty, kemanusiaan dan keamanan sejagat. Wallahua'lam.


At June 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do u have on ur mind to make people in this world be united without PBB or BIG FIVE? to wait for a khilafah being built up again .. such a very long way.. jadi, apa tugas kita?

At June 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do propagate the idea of PEACE & HARMONY all over the world..till the grassroot of people. Let the nation of the State elect State leaders among person who love PEACE & HARMONY!

"Malaysian for Peace"

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racism is always the weapon.

Umno use Chinese as enemy to unite malays, just like unite Malaysians against Singaporeans. Hopefully, the younger generation malays learn the truth and not be blind by them.

I think all BN Chinese party is shit-head who are just Umno lap dog. Wagging tail as Umno speak. Pathetic.

Government only pays to built mosque, have they ever pay a cent to built temple or church! Malaysians do have freedom of religion but to what extent? I think we all know how "true" is that.

The racism will always stay because Umno is so one sided even though they say they treat all races equal.

The politicians want the public to keep feeling a bit jealous, hatred of each others. They lied to the public in believing the need of NEP by showing biased statistic. How many others actually benefit from it?

What their leader did actually does not benefit the malay community as a whole, only the rich and connected malays.

Public listed companies must have at least 30% hold by malays. Indeed in reality the percentage is higher, but why the malay community is still lagging? Who can be part of the 30%? The rich and connected malays? Yes!

The politicians are afraid that if the public united and "forced" BN (or should we say Umno) out of political field.

Yes, any politicians that continue to play the racist card - Beware! Your days are numbered!

If anything, the malay race's main downfall is their inability to compete without crutches. Say what you will against the Chinese and the Indians, but unless the malays look upon ourselves in the mirror, we shall see who our "real" enemies are.

Best thing is Malaysia history being altered to say all hero in Malaysia are only malays. Pathetic! This will only further split all of us.

If they managed to unfortunately cause another race riot, do you think at the end of the day - life will be better for the malays? The answer is no - race riot or tension is like a civil war - it weaken the country and invite outside interference.

Malaysia to be developed status is a joke in year 2020. Developed status is not on economically but politically and socially.

I am glad, reading through the replies (to this idiotic article) that there are some sane, rational malays, but I am also saddened and frightened and most of all, amazed by the sheer bigotry and shallowness of some of the people here.

Those who feel hurt and challenged should not just sit back and complain, stand up and do something about it.

We are fellow countrymen should stand up and achieve our visions together.

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the politics of finding blame for own weakness or laziness.

What I hate most is when those racist and jealous malays see a well developed township owned and populated by Chinese, and start rambling that the Chinese grabbed the wealth from the malays.

The NEP was abused to enrich only a small portion of the malay population. Now, the pie is shrinking due to global factors and the political elite is looking for scapegoats - and guess what - the Chinese are always blamed, as if working hard and saving is sinful.

As a matter of fact just like Mahathir once stated the government has been giving a lot of opportunities to the malays. The other races prosper because they constantly create markets and grab opportunities for their businesses "without depending on any extra incentives by any governmental sector".

I think this country is wasting a lot of time and energy on this racial thing - actually is an income disparity syndrome, the have and have-nots regardless of race.

Last time all first world. If Malaysia was a body, malay was the bone. Today very sadly, malay is the sick appendix, if remove it, Malaysia will be healthier.

It is a tiring affair to talk of the problems of malays. The problems are too many.

We talk and talk and give resolutions to government to do, i.e. we talk but we are not doing anything about it and rely on others.

The typical discussion would be to say malay is weak in this and that. And the immediate inference is to have what is missing. Too often we are fixing symptoms and not problems.

We have tried and pump money into so many programs but we have yet to create the malay industrial and commercial class.

In any corporate strategy implementation, the key aspect lies in leadership and corporate culture.

For a change, I believe let us have an action oriented discussion. Maybe let us start to think and act independently. With a realistic appreciation of the parameters, only then we act more realistically and prudently.

In the end, we the common people must not be fooled by the political elite. We are risking our very life.

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malays are a race of people who still live under a coconut shell. To us, the world is as big as the shell we live in. We are fortunate because we are princes of the land, our land is fertile, anything can grow on it.

When we want to cook curry, coconuts are there. If we want chicken meat, all the kampung chicken run wild. If we want to eat fish, we can easily catch one or two from the rivers or padi field. What more, we produce petroleum too, the only thing is we have not learned how to extract petrol and diesel from it.

"Malaysia is very advanced, self-sufficient and most knowledge in the world come from Malaysia, so all the information that we need are in Bahasa Melayu. The world better learn Bahasa Melayu in order to access all these wonderful knowledge that we have in Malaysia. Because we are world's biggest economy, other countries who want to trade with us better learn Bahasa Melayu."

We also have a lot of "former world No. 1" exporters - tin, rubber, palm oil, air conditioner, etc. How nice to relive the nostalgic yesteryears every now and then……….

We may never be big again. Never mind. "Malaysia Boleh!" We Malaysia Boleh compare with the Japan, German, America, anybody, just name them!

Funny, isn't it? The country will be 50 years after independence, the government still provide us with tongkat. We love you Malaysia!

This is a laughing stock article.

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish to point out that the Orang Asli, not the malays, are the original inhabitants of Malaysia. Most of the malay Malaysians came from Sumatra and other parts of Indonesia. They only migrated here much earlier than the Chinese and Indian Malaysians. It does not mean they deserve privileges or rights just because they were the pioneer immigrants.

It is true that there have been abuses under the name of malay special rights and it is the duty of the malays in particular, and all Malaysians in general, to stop it so that the rightful malays get their rights, and the non-malays get their rights as citizens of this country.

It is a sad thing to say, but I do believe the main thing that is holding back malays is not the Chinese or the Indians, but the malays themselves. That is why Mahathir and Pak Lah have been quoted as telling to throw away crutches and work hard to face the challenges of globalisation.

The malay and others of the same mind should learn to stand on their own feet rather than claim for special privileges and rights. The world is becoming globalised and if they don't change their attitude, they will only become beggars in their own country.

As for the malays who insist on hiding behind the veil of malay special rights - you have lost the respect of non-malays a long time ago.

We also suspect that the current situation will, unfortunately, get worse if no action is taken now. Why? Because our kids in school hardly mix with each other. They will grow up with little understanding of their fellow Malaysians, and with the suspicions that exist, it will be worse.

The truth of the matter is that polarisation in Malaysia is caused by the discriminatory practises of the government - especially after the NEP - rather than vernacular education.

The NEP is upheld for the rich and not the poor in Malaysia.

Whether we admit it or not, the problem is that the special rights and privileges given have now resulted in only a selected few bumis getting richer and richer. The bulk of the bumis, especially in the rural areas are not benefiting from the system.

Poor people are poor people, rich people are rich people - no matter which race they come from.

The poor in Malaysia must be served but I am sure all taxpayers feel that this should be done in a manner which is blind to age, ethnicity, gender and religion.

What is wrong with extending help to all deserving citizens based on needs and merits regardless of race?

The Malaysia problem is that rich do become richer. And because of the political system, the players are the same.

Out of control - this is all I can say about any type of enforcement and the level of corruption in Malaysia. No idea what Pak Lah has done in his first year in office but judging from the ground, I guess nothing much.

If you have ever heard of the simple saying, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime." you will realise that many non-bumis have learned how to fish but the government is still handing out fishes to the bumis. One day the fish will run out.

If you want to say discrimination is here in the US, yes, of course it is. Can you name a country where it doesn't happen? But let me tell you one thing - if you go looking for it, you will find it. But in Malaysia, you don't have to go look for it because it seeks you out, slaps you in your face every which way you turn, and is sanctioned by law!

Official figures have more than one million Chinese Malaysians emigrating over the past 25 years. Why did they emigrate? I am sure the government knows.

For most professionals, living abroad has its own ups and downs. But, you get dignity, fair treatment, and respect for your ability. You get a voice, too. And ears to hear you.

Brain drain by the tank-loads is what we get. Every single year, Malaysia loses people who could potentially contribute to the country immensely.

So the malay, you may keep your rights and perpetuate them. Such things are archaic. Who loses in the end? Your country, which should have been a first world one by today.

I sympathize with those that have benefited from the NEP, but the bad news is that the price he pays for his progress is much higher than what he pays for his benefit.

These special privileges and rights were once a necessity for them to move forward. Today, after many decades, they find themselves still standing in the same place.

It is a shame that our history has been constantly twisted so that our younger generation has no understanding of Malaysia's foundation and its true aspirations.

It is arguable that if not for the contributions of the Chinese and Indian Malaysians who helped in the development of this country tremendously, Malaysia would probably be in same category like Indonesia or the Philippines, if not worst.

To improve the malays lot, more have to be made to work in private companies where competition is real and what counts is your ability. If special rights only help malays to become government servants, then all the more reason not to invoke special rights.

But of course, the present ruling elite drunken with wealth, will continue to fight this dream to ensure that Malaysia is kept divided so that BN can continue to rule.

Alternatively, Malaysians may begin to realise the dream of a new Malaysia.

The bitter truth is that the majority of this nation don't see the need to change things yet and until then, we can do little about it.

The bottom line with present day globalisation is this: compete on a level-playing field or you will lose. Plain and simple.

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Show me when do the malays consult or ever extend their hands in friendship. Do the malays really treat non-malays with equity and fairness?

Seriously, I think all races in Malaysia treat each others at arms length. The malays expect other races to kowtow to them and never the way around. For example, Chinese and Indians were made to study and learn malay culture but the malays are not made to study or learn Chinese or Indian culture.

Why do the malays have to be in a superior position (oppressive one at that) all the time? What is wrong for Malaysia to have, say a Chinese chief justice or Indian chief of armed forces or even a prime minister!

How do we expect them to continue with their goodwill if we do not ever treat them fair and with equity? I think the malays are paranoid and are projecting their own insecurity onto others.

That is my point and it is time that we begin to envision the land of ours from an inclusively point of view instead of exclusivity point of view. We have to begin this starting point somehow, somewhere and the time is now.

As an adult, trying to make it in the real world, I have developed a clear understanding of what goes on around me.

And this what I believe is the real situation in Malaysia. As long as the malays get their way in how things are done in Malaysia - there will never be any serious development in Malaysia.

This is the fundamental. Please avoid giving example of successful malays, because economically, the numbers are too darn low to mean anything. Negligible they call it.

Malays must realise that as humans - they are I suppose equal. But as people, they have attitude that is exactly like the aborigines of Africa. Completely hopeless, no matter what you give them.

The malays can never win - for as long as they chose to do things the way it is done now. Eventually, the other races would consume them economically, and they would be second class citizens. This is a matter of time.

My opinion is - the only way for them to succeed, is to take away all special rights, and learn to get by on their own abilities. The weak and stupid malays would die - and only the bright ones would survive.

They are doing themselves a favour by taking away their special rights. Because look around you, the other races are getting stronger because our weak ones are dying.

We will continue to get stronger. And there will be a day, when we control all the financial means in the country. Then it is a matter of buying off each one of you puny malays……….and then take over the country.

You are wasting your time by presenting the facts. Fact means nothing to them and you should know that by now. The Malaysian Muslims are seriously stupid and severely retarded. I am simply having fun. I work with them everyday and I cannot describe to you their inability to formulate simple logic.

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You malays don't like it? You leave! We are going to stay! We like it here! Who gives you the right to tell us what to do?

They just jealous because they are loose in economical race. I can understand that. If immigrants more rich than malays, then malays will be jealous like hell. It happens everywhere. If Chinese poor - I am sure malays never become racists but Chinese never made to be poor. We are made to be winner and sorry to the looser who become racists after that.

Malays never beat Chinese in economy even until end of the world - their destiny is to become slaves.

Why we live in your country because it is easier to earn money there - because your peoples have no brains that is why there are no competitive.

We are not scare at you my friend, lots of Chinese already move to other country such as Australia, Singapore or US. We have the money, we can go everywhere we like even going back to China!

God damn, you are really a fool. Why Chinese are everywhere? Here, let me tell you why. In China, it is hard to earn money because the competitive is extremely high. Where in country like Malaysia, there are no competitive at all - the reason is simple, you malays doesn't know how to do business and earn cash, so all the opportunity goes to the Chinese.

You malays are well educated and you have brain? And want to make Malaysia better? Why Malaysia still likes that? Corrupted, useless, weak junk country. The currency is useless, economy like shit! Think fools!

Thanks to Malaysia? Hahaha! And you said become rich because of Malaysia? No, Chinese become rich because we are hardworking and smart! Fools you! Chinese go everywhere also can live, in Australia, in US, and all over the world. Go traveling around and see if you can find any malay! Hahaha!

Become smart because education in Malaysia? Think smart! Dream! Your education system is lousy, suck, useless! The standard is low! Find prove stupid!

Heart? Where is our heart? You malays don't like Chinese, why do Chinese have to pay our heart to Malaysia?

Point the finger to yourself. What a big stupid malay fool dumbfuck.

Also, visit your brother Indonesia, and you can see all the shops and companies are operated by Chinese. We also conquer your brother economy, fools! Hahaha……….what a joke! Indonesia!

Let us face it. You don't want Chinese to get out of Malaysia. Because if they did, Malaysia would never develop. They would also bring a great deal of financial wealth and investments with them too.

Note Malaysia is doing well. It certainly isn't because of the malays.

And Thailand which is another prosperous South-East Asia nation. It also has a large Chinese population and a national culture that is welcoming towards Chinese. At least they have a leader on the South-East Asia knows of how to treat Chinese. It is no wonder that Thailand is on the verge of being a developed nation.

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This race stereotyping is actually the work of the present day government, headed by the Umno racist using race and religion as a tool to stay in power.

The native of this land a.k.a. son of the soil are the Orang Asli (Dayak, Jakun, Sakai, etc) in Peninsula and the natives (Dusun, Iban, Kadazan, etc) of Borneo. Not you malays arrogant pieces of shit!

Before the arrival of Islam into Malaya, the different races live in harmony without questioning religion or race. They may be cultural different but they accepted each other.

After independence, race was used by the Umno racist, and then formulated the NEP, which divided everyone. The Umno fascist use Islam in schools, universities and workplaces to segregate, and in the name of fighting PAS.

The modus operandi of Umno has always be, divide and rule, and the devil is in the details and implementation of the religious department.

Umno is king creating diversion when they are cornered, use race and religion. Race and religion is the most explosive issues and they have used it successfully since independence.

All this is done to perpetuate their hold on political power. It is for Umno benefits to play the race card, because this is the only way to ensure their hold on to political power. And 50 long years have proven them right. The race card works well and works every time!

They have succeeded in keeping the races apart socially, and fanned animosity amongst the races with their racist and discriminatory politics.

All give politically reasoning - well here goes a correct one - malay is lazy because of Islam.

How can one pray 5 times and yet be expected to be productive? Wait for the foreigners to come and set up their factory and having to cater for Islam needs!

If malays embrace other religion then there is hope for Malaysia……….otherwise your hope is in the existence of Umno terrorist liars - don't count on them being there forever - we are factoring in Umno racist absence in our business plan!

The problem with malays is that they forget too easily. It was the Chinese, Indians and Malays who fought for the independence.

The NEP was design to help malays catch up with the Chinese and the Indians. Now looks like after 40 years, the malays are still behind and very proud of it.

Still want to receive handouts from the government! Still afraid to fight it out on fair ground with the Chinese, Indians and other races! Fearful is the malay race!

Without the government subsidies and support - I don't know how many malay businesses will still stand? So when can we see some towering malays and who dare to refuse government help and still succeed?

Grabbing other people success and call it your own success is not success but a disgrace!

Their laziness caused the nation's economy to slump and resources are wasted. They take 5 days to complete a day work. Malays always think that they are helping the other races when they are lazy. For God sake, please wake up! You are doing it for your own, not for anybody!

Majority of the nation need to be educated again. On the meaning of Malaysia.

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is undeniable that malays are stupid, lazy and incapable. Why don't they just humbly admit the facts and repent and learn from other races especially Chinese?

What is the point to argue here and wasting time again?

From the first onwards we were merely telling the truths. It wasn't us who think that way but their own Pak Lah as well.

All malays should go and read the newspaper, even Pak Lah is ashamed of maintaining the NEP after 34 years of implementing it and these malay baboons are still asking for it.

Even Pak Lah wanted them to compete on a level playing field.

So what does all these tell the world? It sends a very clear message that it is malays themselves who are incapable and lazy and they don't even want to admit it and make a change!

That is the biggest shame of all.

Can't you see, it is all back to square one. Year in, year out, some talk for half an hour, some one, some two. Some sing, many belt out their most recent released 'pantun'.

After all. Malays are good at that. Suggestions after suggestions, some good, some impossible to realize.

But, do you see any of these materialised? Hardly. Why, why and why???

Because the malays can never change. Never! Why?

The leaders forgot or were it they simply didn't want to admit and address that the actual disease is the malays and the remedy itself is also, the malays. They can never change. What is it about the malays?

Firstly as you all know, they are a lazy species. Since the beginning of time they have been like that. Even the encyclopedia called them as lazy people. I think those British with their accent tried to call them 'malas', and if you put 'y' in, it becomes 'malays'.

Embracing Islam make them a worse lot. Now they have a license to kill anything that gets into their way.

Malays are ungrateful lot. In reality, they just can't live or open their minds for others. When Mahathir said that they are complacent, they put him in jail. When Mahathir encouraged them to learn English language, they got angry with him, saying it is a 'bahasa penjajah'.

When other races 'maju', they got angry with them too. That was why at the end of Mahathir his regime, he said this, "I have achieved greatness as a prime minister, but I only fail in one thing, changing the malays."

Well, nothing to be surprised about anyway since Mahathir is not really a malay, and I guess that was why the malays were angry with him.

Drug abuse, hate, incest, liberal extremism (culture of miniskirts and gay marriages), murder, racism, rape, religious fanaticism, parochialism, snatch theft, spoilt-bratty behavior, tribalism, wife abuse, child abuse, all that is associated with the malay race.

To them, malay is the biggest impediment towards building a truly Malaysian nation, and should be chucked into the dustbins of history.

A genetically flawed race cannot be fixed by politically. Nature will take its course and globalization will put them out to pasture.

What have we got now?

Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.

Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay peoples to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malays from Indonesia invaded it.

Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia!

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a Chinese Malaysian until recently when I decided in these days of religious and racial polarization, especially in Malaysia, that there is no longer any reason to go back. It has been getting worse and worse since I left. It was a good idea taking up citizenship elsewhere.

If Malaysia thinks the best way they can teach their malays to do well in this world is to give them handouts and all kinds of charity, they got something coming.

Every action has a consequence. Not one to suffer needlessly, the Chinese population is slowly leaving. Those that are left behind probably do not as yet have the financial means to go elsewhere.

Many of the wealthier and summarily the better educated ones are all have left. I personally know many who have attended the same university deciding not to go back.

In time, the country and all its "assets" will be run strictly by the malays. They will then turn the country into a Muslim theocracy like Indonesia. And as the oil and natural resources runs out, it will be interesting to see what kind of magic the malays can pull out of their hat.

With the opening of the country through free trade agreements, many industries are suffering. Manufacturing is getting hammered by China and India, their dream of creating the information superhighway remains dreams.

These games don't cut it in the real world. Karma will play its hand soon and I for one will have no regrets when shit is returned in kind.

Trust me, it is not use ranting here. Malays are very tribal and they might consider you a friend if you are Muslim. Otherwise sorry, you just have to get used to second class.

I am sick of their attitude and my father was a victim of malay politics. Basically the corporation which used to earn billion dollars of profit now is losing millions every year.

Malaysia Airlines is following suit too and I am sure many people who received the "insider email" know what happened.

I am just sick of it you know. I want our country to flourish and these racists are here treating everybody else as outsider and enemies. Tolerance? We tolerate them more than they tolerate us.

So I left the country. Outside Malaysia, not many Malaysian malays can survive - the harsh reality of working to survive rather than being spoon-fed.

They can tell everybody else to "get out of the country" as usual and so I did. And when the time come, Malaysia will become like Indonesia and I hope they enjoy a country with 100% tribal malays.

Such a waste and pity. A country with so much potential but they just can't get over their tribal mindset.

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our current malay generation is racist now because they desperately want to hang on to privileges which I frankly believe it slowly causing the malay race to rot away and become a pathetic race on crutches dependent.

I think that malays are the most stupid idiots on earth……….they might have big sized bodies bud in their head, but they have puny brains.

Thus coming to the conclusion that they are the most stupid black blocks on earth……….they are colored black and stink like a garbage dump.

Does malays ever think twice about their religious? What if yours believe is not what you think!

You malays will rape anybody just for sexual pleasure. You didn't read about the malay who raped his own sister?

Not only that! They yell 5 times per day and expect to go to heaven! After committing so many sins like killing, rape, steal!

Malays are so stupid that deserve to be robbed by their own government. They in fact deserve to be raped as well. May be we were better off as British rule Malaysia after all.

Malays are jealous of Chinese, that is why they hate them. Americans are not jealous of Chinese, because they don't need tongkat. They buy a lot of Chinese goods. If they hate, they would have boycott the products. Bodoh!

Oh! Bodoh! Only blind man needs tongkat.

If Americans don't hate the malays, why is there so much bad press against Mahathir when he scolded the Americans? You malays are brainless and never read the newspaper. Everyday special rights here and there……….still like your tongkat so much!

You go to American embassy and see which country now is blacklisted? Did they blacklist Singapore, Taiwan?

Even the Japanese look down upon the malays because they are just a bunch of corrupt, fool, lazy person who feed on the Chinese income tax for their existence.

The malays want to produce as many pig babies as they want, but doesn't teach them what is honesty, hard working, civilisation!

At July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really cannot understand why the malays, after given so much privileges, can still have so much to complain. It seems that you guys complain about everything.

You complain that the non-malays are insensitive but here I can see so many articles that are not just insensitive but totally rude and arrogant to the non-malays.

You malays should try to understand how people (non-malays) feel before criticizing others. If you are unhappy with others, please remember that there are many others who are also unhappy with you.

But I believe everything is mutual - so if you want respect from others, you should first respect others and also yourself.

If you always think that the non-malays are lucky to be in Malaysia, the non-malays would also have the same thinking that the malays are so lucky as all their needs - mosques, schools, university fees, are subsidized mostly by taxes collected from the non-malays.

I think Malaysia is the only country where its people keep on talking about "special rights" while other countries keep moving on.

This is a very sad situation in Malaysia. 49 years after independence, the state of mentality of the Malaysians is still racially polarized.

Based on the postings made by a lot of people here, the feeling of animosity between the races could be worse than the situation before independence.

Each race is questioning the loyalty of the others. Chinese running back to China. Indians running back to India. Malays running back to Indonesia. Ask yourself this question - can anyone of you go back to these countries where your ancestors came from?

There is nothing wrong and to be too proud of multiracial in our country, and look at Australia - they have their own "bumi", Chinese, English, German, Greek, Indian, Italian, South American, Vietnamese, etc, they people have more racial in their country, why do they live so peacefully? Because of equality, I wonder why our country is still so……….blah.

We can't afford to give BN a 90% majority again. It will be a suicidal move towards destroying the future for Malaysia. Very disappointed indeed!

At October 13, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

adakah kuasa veto menggari pbb?
adakah pbb kne ikot sume arahan kuasa veto?bantu r saya...


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