Cetusan Minda...: Aurat..aurat

Monday, October 18, 2004


3 peringkat bagi Muslim yang berpuasa:
1) Puasa ‘awwam
2) Puasa khawwas
3) Puasa khawwasil khawwas

Puasa…puasa…puasa. Susahnya untuk kita menahan pandangan daripada melihat perkara-perkara dilarang. Dedah aurat sana sini. Di mana-mana sahaja pasti ada. Selak akhbar, gambar orang dedah aurat. Tengok t.v., muncul personaliti dedah aurat. Inilah antara cabaran-cabaran yang perlu Muslim hadapi dan tangani untuk mencapai tahap berpuasa yang kedua, puasa khawwas.

Muslim WAJIB tutup aurat!!

Teman petik kata-kata Murtaza Mutahhari dalam bukunya bertajuk, On the Islamic Hijab, terbitan Islamic Propagation Organisation, Iran:

The philosophy of the Islamic ‘covering’ depends on several things. Some of them are psychological and some relate to the home and family. Others have sociological roots and some of them relate to raising the dignity of a woman and preventing her debasement.

The hijab in Islam is rooted in a more general and basic issue. That is, Islamic precepts aim at limiting all kinds of sexual enjoyment to the family and the marital environment within the bounds of marriage so that society is only a place for work and activity. It is opposite of the western system of the present era which mixes work with sexual enjoyment. Islam separates these two environments completely. (p. 15)

Teman: “Sejuk mata memandang bila teman tengok model di papan-papan iklan di Terengganu semuanya menutup aurat.

Gambar ini teman ambil ketika ‘Cuti-cuti Malaysia’ ke Terengganu pada Disember 2003. (Sekarang bagaimana keadaannya, wallahu‘alam).


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